Saturday, January 16, 2010

I like big...HATS and I cannot lie!

Well, not BIG hats, but just hats in general! Recently I've drawn a bit of 80's inspiration when it comes to styling my own outfits. And for me, the main component and defining accessory is what's on my head. It first started when I was talking to my best friend about how he thought his trusty fedora looked weird with his current hairstyle. Ever since then, I'll admit, I decided to be a little copycat for one day and wore my black bowler, which doesn't share much of a likeness, out on the town. I decided to channel a Watts type look with my hair tucked up under my hat for a more masculine/feminine flair. Considering the area I live in (or should I say 'lived in' since I was only visiting my old city), it came to no surprise that I got a few stares and jeers from the usual Hollister-clad teenagers found within the normal radius of the local mall. It was very uplifting and worth it, however! Sometimes I just like the attention... and all because of some little hat! It was obviously nothing crazy or obscene, which makes me wonder what kind of attention I would have gotten if I were to walk out wearing a crushed velvet suit a la Austin Powers. I digress. The point is, I've never felt so mysterious and elegant as when I wore that hat today! I used to hate the cheap bowler, but I felt a little Boy George... a bit Alex DeLarge!!!!! Here are a couple of pictures of famous people in hats that never fail to inspire, excluding the lovely Isabella Blow.

Oh, fuck it! I give you Isabella Blow!

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